The GMRG attends many events, official ceremonies, functions and re-enactments throughout the year. Typical events would include:
Static Display:
A historically accurate encampment is set up with vehicles, weapons, utensils, tools, and assorted gear on display as they would be found in a typical military setting. Members of the public are encouraged to move amongst the display and talk to the GMRG personnel.
Catafalque Guard:
GMRG members in dress uniform present and form a Catafalque Guard around a memorial site whilst a ceremony takes place.
Firing Party:
GMRG members line up and volley fire their rifles and sometimes a 25 pounder field gun in remembrance of those who have sacrificed their lives, and those who served. A variation is the “fuer de jois” where the weapons are fired sequentially to celebrate peace.
GMRG members (often in association with other groups) will perform a battle re-enactment that has opposing forces firing upon each other. With the addition of stunning pyrotechnics, artillery fire and vehicle movement a GMRG re-enactment is a visual and aural spectacle.